Pregnancy calendar - Week 7

Your baby is the size of a Blueberry

Now that you are 7 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 12mm long and their digestive tract is developing. Tiny breathing passages are beginning to appear where their lungs will be. Their arms and legs are taking a more definite shape and they’re starting to look a little bit more like a baby!

7 weeks fetus

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You & your body

If you like a drink now and again, it’s time to consider how it might affect your growing baby. Although one glass of wine isn’t likely to harm your baby, no level of alcohol has been proven to be entirely safe during pregnancy.

The safest bet is to avoid alcohol altogether. Excessive alcohol intake has been associated with many foetal problems, and even moderate alcohol consumption can impact on the development of your baby’s brain.

Have a look at our pregnancy and alcohol page for some tasty alcohol–free alternatives!

Did you know?

Now that you’re pregnant, your immune system isn’t as effective as usual. That’s why it’s important to be extra careful with preparing your food, washing your hands and knowing which foods to avoid.

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