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Your baby is the size of a Pepper
At 18 weeks pregnant your baby is growing fast and now measures around 18cm. The rhythm of their day is getting established, and they’re developing a sleeping habit. It may also be possible to start feeling your baby move. A set of unique fingerprints are starting to form on their little fingers and toes. If your baby is a boy, his genitals will become much more distinct and easier to see on a scan.

You & your body
You might find that you have dizzy spells sometimes and that’s because your blood volume increases during pregnancy and your heart has to work harder to cope with the extra volume. And when you consider that your growing uterus is also starting to press on some of your blood vessels, it’s no wonder you feel faint sometimes.
Make sure you rest frequently, take care not to get up too quickly and keep your blood sugar stable, as when this crashes, it can lead to wooziness. Try to stick to slow-release nutrients – such as those found in oats or fruit and vegetables, rather than a simple sugar hit.
Did you know?
You may possibly be feeling a funny sensation in your stomach now, which feels a little like butterflies. Lots of mums feel their baby’s first movements between weeks 16 and 20 of pregnancy. What you feel probably won’t be a proper kick because your baby is still quite little but more like a gentle flutter.
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