Before we start, it's important that you read the list below carefully, to check if your baby is experiencing any of these symptoms that can indicate something more serious or requiring more urgent care.
Baby symptom checker
The Baby Symptom Checker is designed for parents of babies and infants less than 12 months old who are experiencing digestive, feeding or crying-related symptoms. It can offer practical advice and support, but is not a medical diagnosis tool and is not intended to replace professional advice from your Pharmacist, GP or Health Visitor.
- Your doctor/health visitor has expressed concern that your baby has stopped growing/putting on weight
- Vomiting forcefully or retching
- Breathing difficulties
- Abnormal body spasms
- A fever
- A change to how your baby feels when you hold them, e.g. they stiffen or go floppy
- More sleepy than usual, unresponsive, difficult to keep awake or not wanting to feed
- Blood or yellow liquid in their vomit
- A significant amount of blood in their poo
- Sudden swelling or a puffy face, or pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin
- A rash that doesn't fade if you press it with a glass
- Underlying medical conditions or is currently being treated for another illness
Does your baby have any of the symptoms listed above?
The symptoms you have described give us cause for concern, and we recommend you seek medical attention immediately. Please call the NHS 111 service or your GP without delay.
Your baby
Tell us about your baby
Baby's first name
Name must be between 2 and 20 charactersExtra info: We ask for your baby's first name so we can personalise your experience using the Baby Symptom Checker.
Baby's gender
When was your baby born?
The Baby Symptom Checker is designed for babies less than 12 months old - please speak to your pharmacist, health visitor or GP for further advice.
Birth Date
Please select a valid date of birthPlease tell us a bit more about your baby
Has your baby started eating solids?
What kind of milk is your baby having?
Was your baby born before their due date?
What type of issues does your baby have?
Choose all that apply
This covers any issues relating to your baby's poos or tummy, e.g. change to size or frequency of poos, different colour or smell, tummy discomfort, pain or wind, or passing blood or mucus
This covers issues like possetting/reflux and regurgitation, not being able to keep feeds or meals down or more forceful vomiting
This covers any changes to your baby's skin - colour, raised rashes or swelling
This covers crying over an extended period which starts and stops with no apparent cause
This covers persistent coughing, wheezy breathing or congestion
Please select any symptoms that your baby is experiencing:
Choose this option if your baby seems to be having difficulty pooing, but their poo is still soft
Mucus will appear as a sticky, thick substance in their poo, usually white or yellowy-green
Choose this option if your baby appears to be in pain, shows signs of discomfort or cries whilst pooing
Blood may be present as specks or streaks, and you may notice it in your baby's poo, on their nappy or on the baby wipe. If there is a significant amount of blood present, call NHS 111 for advice
The number of times your baby poos each day can vary greatly from child to child, and evolve over time. You will know what is usual for your baby, and when things have become less regular
All baby poo smells, but choose this option if it changes suddenly to smell significantly worse than usual
Choose this option if your baby is suddenly experiencing a great deal more wind, or if there is a particularly bad smell to it
It's normal for baby poo to be quite soft, but choose this option if there is a sudden change and it becomes loose, watery and more frequent
This refers to an increase in the width/diameter of your baby's poo rather than length, over and above what is normal
This refers to your baby regurgitating a proportion of their milk after a feed. This is an effortless process (not like vomiting which is more forceful) and your baby should appear to be fine apart from the backflow of milk
This refers to forceful ejection of stomach contents. Vomiting is different from regurgitation; it is more of an active expulsion rather than a passive backflow of undigested milk, so your baby might appear more distressed
All babies' bottoms can get a bit red with nappy rash; choose this option if their bottom changes to become more red than usual particularly around where they poo
Babies can't tell you if they're itchy, but you'll notice if they keep scratching or show signs that their skin is causing irritation
All babies can get dry skin sometimes; choose this option if your baby's skin is flaky, scaly or displaying eczema-like symptoms
This refers to a rash on the skin that is bumpy or raised, and may be red in colour
All babies can get a bit red when they cry or strain to poo; choose this option if your baby's skin changes suddenly or is more flushed than usual
Your baby's face might not be puffy all the time; but if you notice signs of puffiness in the face choose this option (for example after feeding)
Your baby might not experience swelling all over, but might show signs of swelling in specific areas like the face or limbs
Choose this option if you notice your baby's fists clenching while they're crying, as if they are in pain
Choose this option if you notice your baby's knees pulling up while they're crying, as if they have tummy pain
Choose this option if your baby wakes up suddenly, crying persistently for no apparent reason
Choose this option if your baby has a runny nose or mucus in their coughs
Choose this option if your baby is coughing more than usual
Follow Up
Please tell us more about the symptoms your baby is experiencing
Has your baby had trouble pooing in the past
How long has your baby appeared to be in pain while pooing?
Has your baby had a recent bout of gastroenteritis or a tummy bug?
How long has your baby had excessive wind or flatulence?
How long has your baby had diarrhoea?
How many times a day has your baby been bringing up their feeds?
How long has your baby been bringing up their feeds?
Please tell us more about the symptoms your baby is experiencing
Have you given your baby any medicines for their symptoms?
Medicines tried
Have you given your baby any natural/home remedies for their symptoms?
Natural/home remedies tried
Have you made any changes to your feeding routine?
Changes to feeding routine
Have you given your baby any specialist formula milk, designed for feeding issues?
Specialist formula milk tried:
Please provide detailsIs there anything else you'd like to tell us? We know that looking after a poorly baby can be stressful, so use this space to tell us how you're feeling, or to share any other information.
Your answers can help you prepare for the appointment with your doctor. You can print this page and take the print out with you on your next appointment.
Our PDF Symptom Summary is a useful symptom reminder for when you see your GP. Click on one of the buttons below to create your PDF Symptom Summary - you can either download it now, or email it to yourself.
Important notice
Breastfeeding is best for babies and provides many benefits. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, you eat a varied, balanced diet. Combined breast and bottle feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of your own breastmilk, and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. The social and financial implications of using an infant formula should be considered. Improper use of an infant formula or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard. If you use an infant formula, you should follow manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully – failure to follow the instructions may make your baby ill. Always consult your doctor, midwife or health visitor for advice about feeding your baby.