Naturally, having a child causes a huge upheaval to your life and sometimes people can find these seismic changes difficult to cope with. In many ways it can be like grieving with parents yearning for their old, carefree lives. Other potential causes of depression and anxiety could be worries about changes to your relationship with your partner, or even post-traumatic stress following a particularly challenging labour.
The added difficulty when it comes to dad’s postnatal depression is that men are inherently less likely to talk about their inner most feelings due to societal expectations and stigmas. To add fuel to the fire, new fathers just don’t have access to the sort of support network that new mothers do. They don’t tend to see their doctor as much and don’t have a midwife or health nurse watching over them. It’s also worth mentioning that if your partner is suffering from depression, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you are more likely to experience it too!2 Not ideal as you have a baby to think about during all this.